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Margo Glantz 


Margo Glantz (1930) is a Mexican novelist and essayist, and one of the few women who is recognized in her country as an influential public intellectual. After receiving her PhD from the Sorbone, she started her career as an academic: she wrote several essays on Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz that are now canonical, but in her later years she turned to fiction. Her books have been published by prestigious publishing houses such as Anagrama and Sexto Piso, and have been translated into more than seven languages, including French, English, Portuguese, Italian, and Bulgarian. Margo Glantz has been granted the Guggenheim Fellowship and the Rockefeller Scholarship, as well as three Doctorates Honoris Causa, and several literary awards, such as the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Prize in 2003, the Juan Rulfo Prize in 2010, and the 2022 Carlos Fuentes International Prize.


By Looking at Everything, She Couldn´t See Anything

(Y por mirarlo todo, nada veía, 2018) 

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