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Catalina Bu

Catalina BU   


Catalina Bu (1989) is a freelance illustrator, and the author of Diario de un solo (Diary of a Loner, Catalonia, 2014), a book that was so successful, that a second volume continuing the story was released in 2015 (Catalonia; Tusquets, 2017). It will soon be published in Brazil, by Sesi, and in France, by La Cafetière Éditions


Besides consolidating her work by collaborating with different brands and local magazines, Catalina is dedicated to editorial illustration. She illustrated Gatos gordos (Fat Cats), by Jani Dueñas (Planeta, 2002), and in 2013 she was part of the compilation book Ilustración a la chilena (Illustration, the Chilean Way), published by Plop! Gallery and Ocho Libros. Last year, she published her first activity book for children, Libro Libre (Free Book), by Hueders.

Catalina was born and raised in Concepción, in Southern Chile. When she decided to spend the rest of her life drawing, she moved to Santiago, where she studied Illustration, and now she works in her Santiago based studio. You can see more of her work at her website: or her Instagram:

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Diary of a Loner (Diario de un solo, 2014)

Diary of a Loner 2 (Diario de un solo 2, 2015)

• Free Book (Libro libre, 2017)

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