Alberto Montt
Alberto Montt (1972) is an outstanding Chilean illustrator and cartoonist. Since 2000 he has worked as an independent illustrator for several publishing houses, advertising agencies, and printed media from Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Peru, Chile, and Spain. He has illustrated almost 35 books since 2007 and is constantly publishing cartoons in his blog called Dosis Diarias (dosisdiarias.com), awarded by the Deutsche Welle for being 2011’s best blog in Spanish, and registering almost 80,000 visits a day. Several compilation books featuring the work from his blog have been published with the same dose of humor. He has also illustrated an immense number of books for children and Chilean classics, such as the epic poem La Araucana, written in the 16th century by Alonso de Ercilla. He has seen his work translated into Portuguese, French and Turkish.
ver portafolio
• Annatto (Achiote, 2014)
• Dreaming is Easy (Soñar no cuesta nada, 2018)